Stuart Anderson
Beekeeping with Flow™ Hive"


El co-fundador de Flow Hive, un invento que podría revolucionar la extracción de miel, hablará de los 10 años de trayecto desarrollando una colmena nueva que no debe ser abierta para sacar la miel. Flow Hive fue uno de los proyectos más populares de “crowd-funding.” 

(NOTA: Esta charla será en inglés.)


Stuart Anderson is co-inventor of the revolutionary honey extraction system, the Flow™ Hive, which took a love of bees and a decade of work with his son, Cedar, to create. Stuart speaks at national and international events on topics of beekeeping and the use of innovative design to make a better world.

BeeInventive, the company behind the Flow™ Hive, is based in Australia, and has sent Flow Frames and Hives to over 48,000 customers in over 120 countries. BeeInventive is a true Australian innovator, developing products that make harvesting honey easier and aim to help all people have a stronger connection with their environment.